- devangaartscollege70@dac.ac.in
- 04566-240142/034
1. Students are expected to attend the college neatly dressed keeping with the approved dress Code.
2. Women students shall attend college wearing sarees or in traditional Salwar Kameez. They shall not come to college in any other dress.
3. Students should wear their I.D. cards everyday. I.D. CARDS SHOULD BE PRODUCED WHEN DEMANDED.
4. Any requisition or letter written by the student to the Principal should be sent through the HOD/Class Teacher.
5. In case of cancellation of a class, students shall be in the library.
6. Students should not sit on the parapet walls on the steps and on the staircases
7. Students are forbidden from writing, scribbling, or painting on the walls, desks, black boards etc.,
8. Students found guilty of damaging, destroying college property should replace the same at their own cost.
9. Students must identify those who cause damage to the college property and report the same to the Principal.
10. If The Students responsible for the damage could not be identified, the damage caused will be charged to the accounts of all the students
11. No Student shall smoke anywhere inside the college campus
12. Student who are found using Drugs or Tobaccos or liquor or in a Drunken stage or under the influene of drugs will be summarily dismissed from the College
13. No Meetings, function or gathering of any kind shall be held within the college campus without the permission of the Principal
14. Students are allowed to enter any laboratory only with the permission of the Teacher Incharge
15. Loitering and making noise in the College campus are strictly forbidden
16. Students are prevented from using Cellphone within the college campus
17. Students should refrain from participating in political or communal activities
18. Students found guilty of using foul language or behaving rudely towards the staff members, will be expelled from the college.
19. Eve-teasers will be dismissed from the college as per the UGC Norms
20. Ragging is an offence. Any student found guilty of ragging will be dismissed from the college as per the UGC Norma
21. As per the provision of Tamilnadu Educational Rules, the Principal shall have full powers to inflict punishments, such as imposition of fines, loss of attendance, loss of term certificate, suspension and expulsion