(A Linguistic Minority Co-Educational Institution)
(Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University)
Aruppukottai - 626 101
Devanga Arts College
(A Linguistic Minority Co-Educational Institution)
(Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University)
Aruppukottai - 626 101
Department of Library
The library will be kept open on all working days from
9-30 A.M. to 6-00 P.M. On Sundays and other holidays of the
college which are also public holidays in Tamilnadu, the library
will be closed. Other than the weekly holidays, mid semester
and semester holidays and state Government holidays the
library will work between 10-00 A.M. and 1-00 P.M. The library
will also remain closed during summer vacation.
The library will work under the open access system.
The library consists of three sections.
a) Reference
b) Lending
c) Reading Room.
Reference: Encyclopedias, dictionaries and other kinds of books which are in constant demand, costly books and such
other books as may from time to time, be considered
necessary for ready reference are placed in the reference
section. Reference books cannot be taken outside the pre
mises of the library.
Lending Section: All books except those marked ‘Reference’
belong to the lending section.
If a student is reported to be sick continuously for more than a
week, a medical certificate from a qualified medical practitioner
should be submitted in the office.
Absentees without leave letter shall be fined at the discretion
of the Principal. Absconders from classes and habitual
absentees shall be dealt with severely. The punishment may
involve suspension or removal from the college