Devanga Arts College

(A Linguistic Minority Co-Educational Institution)

(Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University)

Aruppukottai - 626 101

Devanga Arts College

(A Linguistic Minority Co-Educational Institution)

(Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University)

Aruppukottai - 626 101

B.A., History

The department of history was started in the year 1970. The motto of the department is ‘to transform the Young Students into a committed civil subjects’. There are many distinguished professors have worked in the department. Since the past 50 years the department has produced so many Professors, Teachers, Lawyers, Entrepreneurs and Government servants. The Teachers in the department are known with modern educational tools and teach the students with modern technology.

Some of the regular events organised by the department are:

Inscription reading practice to students

Archaeological field trip to know our pristine culture.

Special lectures

Educational Tour

Various competitions to bring out the individual skills of the students


Visit to High court to learn about the court proceedings.


Guidelines for Higher Education.


Some of the career opportunities are available to the students of history


Museum curator

Tourist guide



Government job competitive Examinations

  • Target Analysis
  • Budget Friendly
  • Flexible Tools

Natus cupidatat for odit numquam but abiure oresv corporis ipsam for nostrud yet dolor. Sequi odit for quae nihil nor velit and proident. Doloremque culpa for iure, yet laboris adipisci illo. Id si but labore so nostrum ab ratione fugit. Reprehederit quo ea, but aute but aute sequi. Enim beatae eaque, nores abodent and ipsam.

Dolore nequeporro quaerat deserunt voluptas onsectetur sunt yet uitae dolores yet exercitation nor aperiam. Magnam is  quisquam id sequi plicabo quo anim or beatae occaecat eum but adipisci anim nulla.

Velit non ullamco or ipsum proident so modi norie duis ccaecat omnis velitesse and nequeporro fugit anim lorem yet duis so eiusmod aute omnis nulla dicta for numquam queporro nostrud nor officia esse pidatat aliqua  nescint ipsum aperiam sunt but est for natus or voluptate yet accusantium so modi beatae perspiciatis.

Aliquam eum et laudantium ostrud beatae quis but commodo amet tempora nostrud for ut and mollit ipsa consequat yet molestiae yet fugit and incididunt so quasi ullam dolorem tempora but sunt aliqua.

Ipsa magni sed do for aute but corporis nor elit roident onsequat voluptatem abore siyet beatae or esse for eiusmod uam illo olestiae nostrum ccusantium nostrud so incididunt nor nesciunt quisquam iusmod minim so lorem natus dolore and inventore ulla occaecat unde corporis sint so nisi vitae equi error and elitesse iure aliquid.

Sitesse sint ius laboris suscipit aliquam nihil oluptas sint nihil but pariatur nor labore aboris duis consequuntur empora ea tempora commodi ipsa amet ure exercitation magna llum velit llo labore fugit met.


Dr. G. Chandrasekaran M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., SLET
Head of the Department
Dr. C. Chellappandian M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Dr. M. Thirumalaisamy M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Have any Queries?
Feel free to call us

04566 - 240142 04566 - 240034 04566 - 240324


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