Devanga Arts College – First Year Induction Programme
The induction program for first-year girl students, organized by the Women’s Cell and Anti-Ragging Cell, was held at Bharathiarangam, DAC College on July 10, 2024.
Our Principal (I/C) Dr.R.Umarani, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., led the First Year Induction Programme. Dr.R.Nagarajan M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed., Ph.D., HOD of Mathematics and Dr.P.Gopal, MA, M.Phil, Ph.D., SLET HOD of Economics Conducted First Year Induction Programme in their Presence.
Mrs.S.Nagalakshmi, Inspector of Economic Offense Wing, Virudhunagar were honor us as the chief guest of our First Year Induction Programme. Mrs.S.Nagalakshmi delivered the speech about Social Awareness in Public.
Finally Dr.S.Veeralakshmi, MA, M.Phil, Ph.D., delivered the Vote of Thanks speech in the function.