Devanga Arts College

(A Linguistic Minority Co-Educational Institution)

(Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University)

Aruppukottai - 626 101

Devanga Arts College

(A Linguistic Minority Co-Educational Institution)

(Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University)

Aruppukottai - 626 101

Devanga Arts College – Blood Donation Camp 2025

A Blood Donation Camp was conducted from National Cadet Corps, Social Service League and Red Ribbon Club of our College on 25th February 2025.

Dr.R.Umarani, the Principal In charge presided over the function in the august presence of Mrs.S.Geetha, Head, Department of Information Technology, Dr.K.Sasitha Begam, Head, Department of Commerce with Computer Application and Dr.M.Rajkumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics.

Dr.G.Gomathi, Medical Officer, Urban Primary Health Centre, Aruppukottai, Dr.S.P.Annadurai, Medical Officer, Blood Bank Centre, Government Head Quarters Hospital, Aruppukottai and Mr.G.Thangamariappan, Mr.A.Balaji, Healthy Inspectors from Government Hospital, Aruppukottai were the Chief Guests and collected blood from students and staff.

The Blood Donation Camp was organized by Dr.S.Packialakshmi and Mrs.M.Amutha, Coordinators of Social Service League and Red Ribbon Club under the guidance of NCC Coordinator.