Devanga Arts College

(A Linguistic Minority Co-Educational Institution)

(Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University)

Aruppukottai - 626 101

Devanga Arts College

(A Linguistic Minority Co-Educational Institution)

(Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University)

Aruppukottai - 626 101

Devanga Arts College – An Awareness Program about Challenges in Getting Jobs in Today’s Environment

An Awareness Program was conducted from Social Service League of our College for the students on 04th February 2025 on the topic of “Challenges in Getting Jobs in Today’s Environment” organized by Departments of Computer Science, Information Technology and Business Administration.

Selvi.M.Pavithra, third year student of Computer Science Department welcomed the gathering. Selvi.K.Kokila, second year student of Information Technology department hosted the entire program.

Dr.R.Umarani, Principal Incharge presided over the function in the august presence of Mr.V.Ghanasekaran, Head, Department of Computer Science, Mr.M.K.Mathavan, Head, Department of Business Administration, Mrs.S.Geetha, Head, Information Technology Department and Mrs.M.Hema, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration. The entire program was co-ordinated by Dr.S.Packialakshmi, Associate Professor of Commerce.

Thiru.K.Raja, Ms.Swaraa Mathiyazhakan, Thiru.P.Manoj were the chief guests and shared the useful messages about the Challenges in Getting Jobs in Today’s Environment.

Finally, the program was ended by thanks giving delivered by Selvi.S.Santhiya, third year student of Business Administration Department.