Devanga Arts College – Opportunities and Employment for youngsters in the Indian Army
An Awareness program was conducted in our college for the students of Department of English on 31st July 2024, on the topic of “Opportunities and Employment, for youngsters in the Indian Army”, Organized by social service League, Coordinated by Dr.S.PackiaLakshmi.
Thiru S.Rajesh Kannan An Indian Army veteran, was the chief guest of this Occasion, instructed the Career path within the Indian Army and Agnipath Scheme.
Miss.Malavika, III BA. English hosted the program and Mr.P.Nandha Kumar, II BA English, Welcomed our Chiefguest. Dr.M.Kiruthika, Associate professor of English, delivered the Keynoteaddress and Dr.G.Renukadevi, Associate Professor of English leaded thisprogram successfully.
The program was ended by the vote of thanks delivered by Mr.S.Sudarshan, II BA English.